Auralog Draft 3: Soundwalking In Conche
5.1 audio installation & stereo CD

French Shore Interpretation Centre, Conche, Newfoundland

With Seán McCrum and Slavek Kwi

" times reminiscent of a radio documentary in style, featuring large spoken sections of answers and questions interspersed with field recordings and music. More than the stories themselves I found myself drawn to the Irish heritage contained within the interviewee's accents: nearly moving in their apologetic mid-Atlantic indecision, which also invested the Sean-nós recordings with a true sense of melancholy, and loss."

Susanna Caprara, ))) Sound Reflections, 2013





This stereo CD featuring people from Conche, Newfoundland contains field recordings, conversations and songs.

If you would like a copy free of charge please contact us at anthony[at]